

Woodbury University, SD  /  Advisor:  Daniel Deutsch  

c2c Competition

  Roanoke  /  Virginia

The C2C_House is a design project in which homes would be designed with the goal of achieving the new standards of Sustainability as set up in ‘Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things,’  by William McDonough, turning ideas into reality and turning the world of design and construction upside down.

The proposed home would be built from the ground up, utilizing the natural landscape and the use of environmentally conscience building systems.  It would account for Southern exposure through its use of operable, manual windows. The staircase would create a thermal chimney to the open deck / garden roof, and open air bungalow.  The wood paneling would be constructed from locally recycled and salvaged materials.


Woodbury University, SD  /  Advisor:  Daniel Deutsch
