
Jorge Ozorno Studio

1587 Kettner Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101

Project Consultant / 2009 /

“Ocho Casas Verdes”  (8 Green Homes)  /  Queretaro, Mexico

"8 Green Homes" in Queretaro, Mexico;  is a contemporary development of affordable green homes that use passive systems, hydroponics, and volume to ensure self-reliance and sustainable living. The homes accomplish this by controlling air flow through strategically placed U.V. doors which create a thermal chimney to heat and cool each home. Innovative green systems are incorporated on the facade using vegetation to regulate sunlight. Each home also has a garden on the third floor with solar panels and a private garden box adjacent to the main bedroom.

Each home is self sufficient. Plumbing systems including a water tank are located in the basement of each building.  A collective water tower is also featured on the third floor to create a home which can operate independently from the main grid. All of these elements prove to make the 'Ocho Casas Verdes' a viable option for Querataro, Mexico. Based on the success of this design it could be implemented in any similar climate throughout the South West and beyond.

'Ocho Casas Verdes' Complete Video Presentation

Jorge Ozorno Studio

1587 Kettner Blvd., San Diego, CA 92101
