

Pratt Institute  /  Generative Components  /  Computer Scripting  /  Advisor:  Robert Cervellione  

Dynamic Hair Systems_Maya

  Brooklyn  /  NYC

A process of exploring the interaction and hierarchy of attraction and repulsion between the inner workings of patterns.  Using the Maya program and Hair System scripting, it was possible to establish the flexibility and magnetism of various nodes. The study focused on the relationship between created components and their population within various fields. These relationships were even more quantified when they were embedded within the physical restraints of a location.

Generative Components_Swarm

  Brooklyn  /  NYC

A course of study that focused on the use of scripting technology utilizing the Bentley Generative Components (GC) program.  By exploring the possibilities of GC's application toward the concept of swarm theory it was possible to apply it towards form construction.  By establishing a location, applying swarm intelligence, and implementing behavioral 'bugs', it was possible to apply GC components over an urban environment and create computation fields.


Pratt Institute  /  Generative Components  /  Computer Scripting  /  Advisor:  Robert Cervellione
